The top picture is of Louie Zamperini returning home to California and seeing his family again for the first time. Seeing this picture brings tears to my eyes after seeing everything he went through and was forced to deal with. Louie was extremely strong and I am glad that the book contains many pictures like this one that follow his journey.
The bottom picture is of the Ofuna Camp Louie and that Louie stayed in in mainland Japan before being transferred to a POW camp after almost a year (Hillenbrand 229). Seeing both pictures together, the terrible place he was forced to live, and reuniting with his family tied the story together for me and reminded me of everything he went through. I know Louie's life following his return was nothing but easy, and I can imagine the guilt and pain he was probably suffering every day from the trauma he faced.
I'm glad you included these picture because as you said it really ties the book together. I agree with you that compared to all the horror Louie faced and all the responsibilities of the war his life was nothing but easy after returning home. i think the top picture really captures what its all about though. Louie was able to help serve his country as well as return home safety to his family. The way that picture is captured with him hugging what looks to be his mother i can feel the love and the happiness radiating from the picture I feel like I'm there because while reading this book you just continuously feel for Louie. Then to read/see that he is able to finally return home and get to see his family for the first time in so long is just absolutely heart warming and I love that that picture was included because it completed the separation anxiety I had for Louie being away from his family for so long. I could never imagine being away from my family for such a long time with no communication besides letters if I was lucky. Its crazy how much a picture can mean and relate to a story and or tell a story.
ReplyDeleteI love the reuniting of Louie and his family. It just goes to show the love is strong. His family went through hard times as well, originally thinking Louie was dead. I can relate a little that when my dad is a way for 9 months it is hard. However, I cannot imagine the length of time they went through, unaware of Louie's health. It is a really valuable picture, there are many emotions involved.