Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Chocolate

Louie, Mac, and Phil were now stranded on a raft waiting for rescue. All they have is the stir of sharks around them. I would be terrified. The deal was to each have a square of chocolate and it would hopefully last them for a little bit. The plan quickly went down hill, "All the Chocolate was gone. He looked around the rafts. No chocolate, no wrappers. His gaze paused on Mac. The sergeant looked back at him with wide, guilty eyes" (Hillenbrand 138). I would be furious. I would not have forgiven him. He was selfish and now they are foodless so shame on Mac. However, Louie still forgave and comforted him. Yes, Louie was disappointed but acted much more calmly than one would think. They were stranded without food, how would you feel? I give Louie a lot of credit for not panicking. I definitely would have.

1 comment:

  1. I think Louie knew that panicking would have done them no good. There's no where for him to go and Louie would never murder a fellow crew member for eating the food. He understands why Mac made the choice he did and he also realizes that soon he will be filled with guilt which will be enough of a punishment. Each man on the rafts needs the other and Louie knew that a fight would have been a waste of energy. I think I probably would have been a little more angry than Louie but I think I would have handled it similarly. He now has bigger problems than Mac disobeying him and should focus on them rather than something that has already been done. I do realize however, that saying it is totally different than doing it, so who knows how I would have reacted or what I would have done. (lol)
